Flame photometric detector (flame photometric detector, FPD) is a gas chromatograph for phosphorus, sulfur compounds with high selectivity, high sensitivity of the detector. When the sample is burned with hydrogen-rich flame, the phosphorus-containing organic compound emits light at the wavelength of 526nm in the form of HPO fragments, and the sulfur-containing compound emits the characteristic light with the wavelength of 394nm in the form of S2 molecule. The photomultiplier tube converts the optical signal into an electrical signal which is recorded by the micro current amplification. The sensitivity of such detectors can reach tens to hundreds of coulombs / gram, the minimum detection of up to 10-11 grams. At the same time, this detector for organic phosphorus, organic sulfur response and hydrocarbon response value of the ratio of up to 104, it can rule out a large number of solvent peaks and hydrocarbon interference, is very conducive to trace phosphorus, sulfur analysis , Is the detection of organophosphorus pesticides and sulfur-containing pollutants the main tool.
火焰光度检测器(flame photometric detector,FPD)是气相色谱仪用的一种对含磷、含硫化合物有高选择型、高灵敏度的检测器。试样在富氢火焰燃烧时,含磷化合物主要是以HPO碎片的形式发射出波长为526nm的光,含硫化合物则以S2分子的形式发射出波长为394nm的特征光。光电倍增管将光信号转换成电信号,经微电流放大纪录下来。此类检测器的灵敏度可达几十到几百库仑/克,检测量可达10-11克。同时,这种检测器对磷、硫的响应值与碳氢化合物的响应值之比可达104,因此可排除大量溶剂峰及烃类的干扰,非常有利于痕量磷、硫的分析,是检测磷农药和含硫污染物的主要工具。

火焰光度检测器(flame photometric detector,FPD)是气相色谱仪用的一种对含磷、含硫化合物有高选择型、高灵敏度的检测器。试样在富氢火焰燃烧时,含磷化合物主要是以HPO碎片的形式发射出波长为526nm的光,含硫化合物则以S2分子的形式发射出波长为394nm的特征光。光电倍增管将光信号转换成电信号,经微电流放大纪录下来。此类检测器的灵敏度可达几十到几百库仑/克,检测量可达10-11克。同时,这种检测器对磷、硫的响应值与碳氢化合物的响应值之比可达104,因此可排除大量溶剂峰及烃类的干扰,非常有利于痕量磷、硫的分析,是检测磷农药和含硫污染物的主要工具。
